002149518 Ultimate Metal Ballpen
FROM £0.85

Attractive metal ballpen in the style of the Electra. Available in 15 different colours, with black ink.


135mm(w) x 10mm(h)


Black, Cyan, Dark Green, Dark Grey, Grey, Lime Green, Navy, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Royal, Silver, White, Yellow

Print type and position

Side of Barrel: 65(w) x 6(h)

All dimensions are in millimetres

Price breaks and print colour options

Quantity 250 500 1000 2500 5000
Full Colour £1.07 £1.00 £0.93 £0.89 £0.85

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage

  • 002149518
  • 002149518
  • 002149518
  • 002149518

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