002135450 Rippled Simplicity Paper Cup (8oz/230ml)

Ripple cups are ideal for hot liquids as the extra layer of integrated rippled cupboard does away with the need for separate cups and sleeves. This printed 8oz ripple paper cup is just the right size to fit in most standard cup dispensers. Ideal for music festivals, events, coffee shops, vending machines and drink brands. This rippled paper cup can be branded with a solid spot colour logo in multiple positions. Available in single wall, double wall and rippled styles. We offer lower minimum orders and faster delivery times than any of our competitors. Printed ripple paper cups are an ideal way to advertise s, offers and to build brand awareness. Please see our full colour wraparound paper cups for a large branding area in full colour.


55mm(w) x 95mm(h) x 80mm(d)



Print type and position

Front: 40(w) x 40(h)

All dimensions are in millimetres

Price breaks and print colour options

Price On Application (POA)

Please contact us for pricing.

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage

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