421328 Prime Plastic Mug (Coloured) (Spot Colour Print)
FROM £3.45

UK manufactured 330ml plastic mug made with break-resistant material. Available in 4 popular colours. Registered design.
Material: Plastic.


94.5mm(w) x 80.6mm(h)


Black, Blue, Red, White

Print type and position

Body: 40(w) x 50(h)

All dimensions are in millimetres

Price breaks and print colour options

Quantity 50 100 250 500 1000
Print 1 Colours £5.22 £4.55 £4.10 £3.65 £3.45
Print 2 Colours £6.82 £5.50 £4.81 £4.08 £3.87
Print 3 Colours £8.42 £6.44 £5.52 £4.52 £4.30
Print 4 Colours £10.02 £7.38 £6.23 £4.96 £4.72

All prices are exclusive of Artwork, Origination, VAT & Carriage


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